Mardi Gras
The beginning of Mardi Gras will vary
from year to year. The season was commonly called Carnival to early
Christians. The period went from the Epiphany (January 6) to Shrove
Tuesday (the day before Lent). In Latin, carne vale means
"farewell to meat." However, some feel it has a broader meaning and
interpret it as a reference to more carnal pleasures that are forbidden during
the 40 days during Lent. Carnival is a time for feasting and
self-indulgence. The heaviest partying is done the last 3 days before Ash
Wednesday, particularly on Shrove Tuesday.
Mardi Gras or Carnival features masked
balls, lavish costumes, floats, parades, torchlight processions, dancing,
fireworks and feasting on all sorts of foods (usually those that are given up
during Lent). Ironically, in earlier times, the pagan spring festivals (to help
insure the growth of crops) involved much the same sort of celebrations of
processions, feastings and masquerades. It is said that most of the Mardi
Gras or Carnival traditions go back to the 14th century.
One of the most famous carnival celebrations
in the world is in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The costume balls, pageants, parades
and feasting goes on for four days, with the highlight being the parade of the
samba schools (on the Sunday & Monday preceding Ash Wednesday). This is
taken very seriously. People spend months prior making costumes and learning
special dances for this parade. The competition is fierce!
In the United States, the most famous
Carnival takes place in New Orleans, Louisiana. It takes place two weeks prior
to Ash Wednesday. In New Orleans, the Carnival is called the Mardi Gras,
which mean "Fat Tuesday" by the early French settlers. They named it
that because the day before the start of Lent was when you just pigged out on
all the fat products in the house! People ate up all the milk, butter, eggs and
anything else in the kitchen before the start of Lent. Mardi Gras peaks
with a series of parades organized by a group called the Krewes (see
below). The Mardi Gras parade attracts over a million spectators every
Carnival King
This time is very important for Roman
Catholics. In European countries where Rome had the greatest influence
(i.e. Italy, Spain, France), a popular feature is the Carnival King. This is a
burlesque figure often made out of straw, who reigns over the festivities. When
it's all over, the king is usually shot, burnt or drowned in public, while
onlookers cheer. This is said to be a symbolic act to rid the spectators of
their sinfulness and folly.
One belief is that the Carnival King is a
direct descendant of the old King of the Saturnalia, the ancient Roman festival
held in December. This pagan king was chosen to impersonate the Roman
agricultural god, Saturn, during the celebration; but at the end he suffered a
real death instead of a make-believe one today. Eventually, the custom of
putting a fake king to death faded away over time. But, the idea of
appointing someone to reign over the festivities has survived in the form of the
Carnival King.
Forty Hours Devotion
Pope Benedict XIV in 1748 tried to encourage
Christians to make up for their excessively bad behavior during Carnival by
instituting a special devotion for 3 days before Lent. He called it "Forty
Hours of Carnival" and it is still held in many European and American
churches today where carnival celebrations are a long-standing tradition.
All day Monday and Tuesday, the Blessed Sacrament is exposed and devotions are
held in the evening.
Fried Dough
Most Carnival and Mardi Gras celebrations
include fried dough in some form. In New Orleans, they feature the beignet.
This is a square doughnut without a hole, somewhat like a fritter. In Germany
the Carnival is called Fastnacht, the fried dough is served as Fastnachtkuchen,
which was later brought to the United States by German immigrants who settled in
Pennsylvania. These fried cakes can be found in many German settled areas today.
As I mentioned before, it was the custom on
Fat Tuesday to use up all the fat in the house prior to Lent, these fried dough
helped use up all the fat so it wouldn't go to waste.
King Cakes
King Cakes are one of the primary foods
associated with Mardi Gras or Carnival. These cakes are frosted with alternating
bands of colored sugar:
Purple = Justice
Green = Faith
Gold = Power
They also have small dolls (or a bean)
hidden inside these cakes. Whoever gets the piece with the doll (or bean)
is crowned King for a day. In New Orleans, the Carnival begins with the
King's Ball or Bal du Roi. And, a Parisian tradition says that whoever
gets the doll has to hold the next ball. These balls go on all season,
with the final one held on Mardi Gras.
These are private clubs that give
parties, parades and balls during Mardi Gras season. The Kewes can be
traced back to Mobile, Alabama in 1831. A man named Michael Krafft had
been out celebrating New Year's Eve with friends when they decided to break into
a hardware store. They stole cowbells and rakes and then paraded through
the streets making as much noise as they could. This lead to the creation
of the Cowbellion de Rakin Society. This group organized a rowdy costume
parade the following year featuring tableaux and dancing. In 1857, six men from
Mobile and members of the Society moved to New Orleans. They decided to
introduce a similar organization there. They did, and named it the Mystick Kewe
of Comus. Doesn't make much sense to you? This was a reference to
the masque (a dramatic entertainment featuring elaborate costumes, scenery,
music and dancing) called Comus written by English poet John Milton; and, to the
Greek and Roman god of revelry, feasting and nocturnal entertainment. The
word Krewe is said to come from the Anglo-Saxon spelling of "crew."
In 1988, there were approximately 60 krewes
in New Orleans. Today they parade through the streets for almost 3 weeks before
Mardi Gras. Comus remains the most traditional krewe, producing floats for
the parade similiar to those seen a hundred years ago. The other krewes (named
such as Rex, Zulu, Proteus, and Momus) are also private clubs, often linking
back to old-line Catholic or Protestant social networks. The Kewe of Rex
is credited with introducing the tradition of the fattened ox to the Mardi Gras
festival by using it as a theme for a giant float. (See below for Ox)
There are also "maverick" krewes
whose memberships are open to anyone who can pay the required fee to join.
The floats are designed by the krewes and range from very traditional (these are
small, delicate floats with a lot of ornamental sculptures and an extreme use of
gold and silver), to less formal floats that are merely decorated vans and
Some feel that the kewes and their parades
go back to the reynages of medieval France. These were make-believe
kingdoms established as part of the Carnival celebration. It is also believed
that the floats seen in the Mardi Gras parades were derived from religious
tableaux originally performed in churches, later removed outside when they got
too rowdy.
One theory regarding the origin of Mardi
Gras (Fat Tuesday) is that it was named after the ritual of leading a fattened
ox through the village streets before Lent. Afterwards it was slaughtered to
provide the final meal before Lenten restrictions on meat and dairy products
went into effect.
In many French Carnival celebrations today,
a fattened ox plays a central role. A child that is referred to as "the
king of butchers" rides in a decorated car behind the ox and the people
throw confetti or blow horns on the ox as the butcher passes by.
Information from Brownielocks
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