The behavior of children may signal abuse or neglect long before any change in physical appearance. Some of the signs may include:
• Nervousness around adults
• Aggression toward adults or other children
• Inability to stay awake or to concentrate for extended periods
• Sudden, dramatic changes in personality or activities
• Unnatural interest in sex
• Frequent or unexplained bruises or injuries
• Low self-esteem
• Poor hygiene
If you see these signs in any children you know, reach out to them and to their parents and offer a helping hand.
Report Suspected Abuse or Neglect
If you suspect abuse or neglect may be occurring, report it. To find out how, call information or contact your department of social services listed under government agencies in the phone book. If you think a child is in immediate danger, call the police.
Childhelp USA
National Child Abuse Hotline
15757 N. 78th St.
Scottsdale, AZ 85260
(800) 4-A-CHILD
Operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The hotline offers crisis intervention, information, literature and referrals.
Father Flanagan's Boys Home
(Boys Town)
14100 Crawford St.
Boys Town, NE 68010
(800) 448-3000
Operates a variety of in- and out-of-home services for children and families.
National Runaway Switchboard
30810 N. Lincoln Ave.
Chicago, IL 60657
(800) 621-4000
The National Runaway Switchboard's mission is to facilitate relationships that ensure youth and families have access to resources in their communities.
Children's Legal Rights
American Bar Association (ABA)
Center on Children and the Law
740 15th St., NW
Washington, DC 20005
(202) 662-1720
Consultation, technical assistance and training for professionals in using the legal system to protect children.
American Civil Liberties Union
Children's Rights Project
132 W. 43rd St.
New York, NY 10036
(212) 549-2500
A national program of litigation, advocacy and education.
National Association of Counsel for Children (NACC)
1825 Marion St., Suite 340
Denver, CO 80218
(888) 828-NACC
Professional organization for lawyers and other practitioners who represent children in court.
Family Resources
Grandparent Information Center
601 E St., NW, Room B5436
Washington, DC 20049
(800) 424-3410
For grandparents raising grandchildren, professionals, support groups, researchers and policy makers.
Family Support America
20 N. Wacker Dr., Ste. 1100
Chicago, IL 60606
(312) 338-0900
A membership organization of social service agencies concerned with strengthening families through preventive services.
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